Barbara Corcoran tells her followers she was once misatken for a prostitute

Barbara Corcoran tells her followers she was once misatken for a prostitute
Published 2 years ago on Mar 05, 2023

That's one way to make an impression on your landlord!

Shark Tank star and real estate mogul Barbara Corcoran took to Instagram on Wednesday to tell her followers a story (while getting her makeup done) about how her landlord mistook her for a prostitute at the beginning of her career in New York City.

Corcoran explained that she had just moved to NYC and was sharing a one-bedroom apartment, using her living room as a makeshift office for the beginning stages of her real estate business.

"One night to my surprise I came home to find a big red eviction notice pasted to my front door," she told viewers. "I always pay my rent on time, I was a good tenant. I didn't get it!"

She then explained that because she had so many "young men coming in and out" of the apartment working on the business, it appeared to the landlord that there was another kind of business going on.

Corcoran said she then made an appointment with her landlord to explain herself and let him know that she was not, in fact, a sex worker and that there was "no funny business" going on.

To Corcoran's surprise, his response was better than she could have expected.

Not only did her landlord allow her to continue running her real estate office from the apartment, but he also gave her the exclusive to his entire building.

"That's how you turn lemons into lemonade," the real estate mogul quipped.

Viewers were in stitches over Corcoran's antics — mostly her inability to sit still in her makeup chair — and her ability to win over her landlord and make a seemingly awful situation into something beneficial.

"You have an incredible personality and attitude for business," one user wrote. "If I could have one dropp of that!"

Corcoran has been using the social media platform to tell tales from early in her career.

Most recently, she shared a svvy story  on how she made $1 million in just one day by offering all the apartments in one building at the same price — regardless of size or location.

Corcoran's net worth is an estimated $100 million.



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