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Coronation Street: How Carla Connor will expose killer Stephen

Coronation Street: How Carla Connor will expose killer Stephen
Published 2 years ago on Feb 18, 2023

The evil newcomer has been desperately trying to get control of the Underworld factory and its accounts, however Carla Connor (played by Alison King) has stood firmly in the way. This week, Coronation Street fans saw Stephen (Todd Boyce) spike her cup of tea with LSD to try and convince the boss she is unwell.

In scenes which aired on Friday night, Stephen put his plan to confuse Carla into action when he made changes to her diary.

He took out a meeting with Dick Haversham and convinced Carla she had cancelled it.

However, Dick later called the factory and questioned where the Underworld boss was.

Flustered, Carla rushed out of the factory and rushed to the garage to pick up her car.

However, Abi Franklin (Sally Carman) refused to hand over the keys as she was concerned about Carla's erratic behaviour.

Needing to get to the meeting with Dick, Carla spotted the Underworld van and hopped in.

As she raced down the cobbles, she crashed into Paul Foreman (Peter Ash) and knocked him off Peter's (Chris Gascoyne) new motorbike.

Carla was horrified by what happened as Paul was left writhing around in pain.

Coronation Street fans now think Carla could be the one to expose Stephen when she learns about the drugs in her system.

Viewers pointed out as Carla is concerned about her health, she could go to the doctors and learn she has been spiked.

She'd then know Stephen is to blame after he has been making her drinks and could plan to trap him.

Melody posted on Twitter: "I know he’s already a murderer, but Uncle Stephen messing about with our Carla just is not on #corrie."

"#Corrie #coronationstreet Carla drives a van into a bike and injures someone and no one thought to get her checked out at the hospital," Gwennie posted. "I’m hoping Carla is onto Steven and is setting a trap."

Olly pointed out: "Know soaps have to challenge audience's suspension of disbelief to elongate pre-existing storylines but police would be called to a crash, both Carla & Paul would be admitted to hospital (before giving statements) & drugs would be found in her system, exposing Stephen. #Corrie."

Chloe added: "So if Carla isnt at work then Stephen can't drug her there so it'll just be the pub then? So she'll recover in between and wont suspect anything? #Corrie."

Brooke Kelly shared: "Carla is a smart, astute, independent businesswoman. Am I meant to believe she hasn’t caught on that she could’ve been spiked/drugged? #corrie."

Michelle posted: "No..Carla is playing the long game. She definitely has an inkling what lying freak man’s up to whether she’s trashed on LSD or not.

"I can’t wait (WE ALL can’t wait!) for her & Peter to bring him down & it seriously can’t come a min too soon! Really it can’t. #Corrie."

Coronation Street airs Monday, Wednesday and Friday on ITV at 8pm. (sic)




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