Tv & Film

Jennifer Lopez' films soar on streamers while husband Ben Affleck's new theater flick Hypnotic bombs

Jennifer Lopez' films soar on streamers while husband Ben Affleck's new theater flick Hypnotic bombs
Published 2 years ago on May 15, 2023

At the same time, Affleck's wife Jennifer Lopez appears to be thriving in the streaming industry with her two new flicks.

Ben vs. Jen: Both Jennifer Lopez and husband Ben Affleck have two new films in 2023, and it appears the lady of the house has earned bragging rights with the success of The Mother and Shotgun Wedding; the couple are seen The Mother premiere in Los Angeles on May 10

Affleck's latest film to hit theaters, Hypnotic (2023), has been a major disappointment with fans, in terms of its earning power at the box office. 

Upon its May 12 theatrical release the science fiction action thriller, directed by Robert Rodriguez, grossed $940,000 from just over 2,100 theaters in its first day, and at last check has grossed $2.4 million worldwide.

Distributed by two independent production companies, Ketchup Entertainment and Relativity Media, Hypnotic has a budget of $65 million, coupled with less than stellar reviews, and the outlook to earn a profit isn't looking good.

There is some good news for Affleck and his other new film Air, which he directed and stars alongside Matt Damon.

The Amazon Prime production first got a limited run in theaters in the U.S. on April 5, and earned about $86.3 million by the time it premiered on the Amazon streaming service on May 12.

The biographical sports drama film reportedly cost about $90 million to produce, so with the initial income from the limited run in theaters it has almost already broken even.

Air has since gone on to become the most popular of all the movies and TV shows on Amazon Prime across the world, by topping its Top 10 Charts for May 14. 

The early success could be attributed, in part, to the generally positive reviews its has gotten from critics. 

It appears Jennifer Lopez has bragging rights at home right now, in terms of comparing her two new films next to her husband's, although the comparisons aren't exactly equal.

Jlo's audience for The Mother and Shogun Wedding have strictly been with at-home viewers.

Directed by Niki Caro, The Mother made its premiere on Netflix on May 12, and has received mixed reviews from critics.

Streamer success: Lopez's other new 2023 film Shotgun Wedding has also done well with viewers for Amazon Prime since dropping on January 27; she is pictured with co-star Josh Duhamel

The action thriller, which isn't normally the genre Lopez is attached to, is currently the number one film on Netflix charts in 83 countries, according to MaxBlizz.

Staying in the streaming world, the Jason Moore-directed Shotgun Wedding has also done well with viewers for Amazon Prime since dropping on January 27.

Amazon Prime Video saw the largest monthly usage increase in January, recording a 9.3% uptick in viewing that was driven by Amazon's Shotgun Wedding and and its original series Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan, 

And while the news sounds good for Lopez and her two new flicks, its still hard to gauge exactly how much they've affected the bottom line for Netflix and Amazon Prime Video.


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