Tv & Film

Netflix Implements Crackdown on Account Sharing

Netflix Implements Crackdown on Account Sharing
Published 2 years ago on May 24, 2023

The company has started sending emails to rule-breaking customers in the US and UK, so be sure to check your inbox. To continue sharing your login outside of your home, you will now be required to pay $7.99/£4.99 per month for each additional member.


While Netflix has been warning about this crackdown for months, it officially began on Tuesday, May 23. Emphasizing that a Netflix account is intended for use by one household, the company explained that everyone living in the same household can access Netflix wherever they are, be it at home, on the go, or while on vacation. Users can make use of features like Transfer Profile and Manage Access and Devices. Netflix has initiated email communication to members who are found to be sharing their account with individuals outside their household in the United States and the United Kingdom.

The email serves as a warning, reminding users that their Netflix accounts are strictly meant for household members and no one else. It clarifies that users can still watch the Netflix app while traveling or on the go. However, if they persistently share their account with individuals outside their home, action needs to be taken. Failure to comply may result in non-household users having their Netflix access revoked.

Netflix provides recommendations for users to manage their account and prevent unauthorized access. Users can check who is using their account in Settings and sign out devices that shouldn't have access. Additionally, Netflix suggests changing the account password if unauthorized users are still accessing it.

For those interested in sharing their subscription, Netflix offers two options. The first is Transfer A Profile, which allows users to move a watching profile to a new membership paid for by someone else. This transfer includes recommendations, viewing history, My List, saved games, settings, and more. A backup copy of the profile will remain on the original account. The second option is to Buy An Extra Member, enabling users to share their Netflix account with someone who doesn't live with them. Each additional member comes with a cost of $7.99/£4.99 per month. However, it's important to note that this option is not available for users who pay for Netflix through a third party or as part of a bundle. Each extra member will receive their own account and password, allowing them to use their existing profile or switch to a new one. Add-on users will be restricted to watching on one device at a time, and they must be 18 years or older and reside in the same country as the account holder.

After announcing these measures, Netflix acknowledged the wide array of entertainment choices available to its members and emphasized its commitment to investing in new films and TV programs. The company aims to provide satisfying content for various tastes, moods, and languages.

Although Netflix's decision has received backlash from subscribers, with some expressing frustration and predicting a loss of subscribers due to the additional charges, the duration within which users must make the necessary changes remains unclear. A request for comment has been made to Netflix, and this article will be updated with any response received.


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