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The Last of Us episode cast: Who plays Tommy?

The Last of Us episode cast: Who plays Tommy?
Published 2 years ago on Feb 18, 2023

WARNING: This article contains spoilers from The Last of Us season 1

Episode six of The Last of Us  is called Kin and taps into the notion of family. After six episodes and a myriad of dangerous obstacles, Joel Miller (played by Pedro Pascal) will finally be reunited with his younger brother Tommy. The last time audiences saw Tommy was in episode one when the outbreak first started and the pair were trying to flee danger with Joel’s daughter Sarah (Nico Parker) before her tragic demise.

Who plays Tommy in The Last of Us?

Actor and producer Gabriel Luna reprises his role as Tommy Miller in The Last of Us.

The star has also appeared in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Wicked City, Terminator: Dark Fate and Bernie.

Some of his other roles include Prison Break, True Detective, Matador and Transpecos.

According to IMDb, he will next be starring in the TV series Utap, which is in post-production.

The 40-year-old actor was born in Austin, Texas and his parents are of Mexican descent.

He is married to Romanian actress Smaranda Ciceu with the couple exchanging vows back in 2011.

Prior to auditioning, Luna started playing The Last of Us video game to get a sense of the story and his character.

The star also drew on video game actor Jeffrey Pierce’s performance in The Last of Us as Tommy when he went for the part in HBO’s adaptation.

Luna went on to say how he drew on Tommy’s rich history which has been built up over the past decade thanks to the video game’s own dense narrative.

As well as his acting talents, Luna is also a musician and has released a number of songs including Edge of Town.

He has shown off his musical abilities on his Instagram account including sharing one of his performance in his hometown of Austin in last year.

More recently, he also gave his own rendition of Linda Ronstadt’s song Long Long Time, which was featured in episode three of The Last of Us.

Alongside the video, Luna wrote: “Sma has had this song on repeat since Episode 3 so she asked me to learn it for her. @thelastofus @lindaronstadtmusic #longlongtime.”

Who is in the cast of The Last of Us episode 6?

Maria Miller - Rutina Wesley

Rutina Wesley takes on the role of Maria Miller in episode six and she made a brief appearance in the preview for the forthcoming instalment.

She warned Ellie Williams (Bella Ramsey): “Be careful who you put your faith in.”

Cautiously adding: “The only ones who can betray us are the ones we trust.”

Wesley will be no stranger to audiences thanks to her role as Tara Thornton in True Blood.

She’s also appeared in Queen Sugar, 13 Sins, Arrow and Hannibal with an upcoming performance slated in TV series Moments.

Marlon - Graham Greene

Native American star Graham Greene takes on the role Marlon, whom Ellie and Joel will encounter as they traipse through snow-capped landscapes.

The actor and writer is best known for his work in The Green Mile, Wind River, Dance with Wolves and TV series Goliath.

Florence - Elaine Miles

Elaine Miles portrays Marlon’s wife Florence who warns Ellie there are things out in the wilderness to be feared.

Among Miles’ credits are Northern Exposure, Smoke Signals, Doomsday Virus, Wyvern and Juanita.

The Last of Us airs on HBO and HBO Max in America on Sundays at 9pm EST and on Sky Atlantic and NOW in the UK on Mondays at 2am and 9pm


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