
TikTok employee goes viral after ‘stealing company assets’ on day after being laid off

TikTok employee goes viral after ‘stealing company assets’ on day after being laid off
Published 1 years ago on Feb 19, 2023

A former TikTok employee Simona has gone viral after vlogging her final day at the social media company after she was laid off and as she steals “company assets.” 

“Come with me to steal company assets from TikTok because I was laid off,” the Tiktoker says in the clip. “I didn’t get let in at first but then my ID worked.” 

The video — which was posted Saturday — has gained nearly 1 million views. 

In the video, Simona is seen strutting through a multicolored hallway before cutting to her dancing in front of the bathroom mirror. 

“The bathroom was blasting ‘Irreplaceable’. So true, honestly never get to thinking you’re irreplaceable in the corporate world,” slammed Simona. 

In the next clip, Simona is shown walking down a hallway with dark red lights. 

“Had to flex this view one last time because you know I love the Empire State,” said Simona transitioning to a view of the New York skyline. “‘And this fun auditorium area. Ugh, the lights here are so fun this green hallway obviously my favorite and then this is where they keep the company assets this is super private information so please don’t share with anyone.”

The “assets” were revealed to be single-serving size snacks, candies, chips, instant noodles, mac n’ cheese and chocolate bars.

“But yeah I worked here so I was taking what was rightfully mine,” continued to ex-employee. “I did end up giving most of it away to a person on the subway but whatever.”

According to the employee, she had to turn in both her ID badge and laptop, however; she did keep the lanyard that the badge was on.

“Had to return those to IT oh, I’m keeping the TikTok lanyard you guys,” sneered Simona. “I deserve it I worked here for two and a half years. It’s the least they could give me.”

In a follow-up video, Simona explains that she was informed a month prior that her contract with the social media site had been terminated and attempted to use the “padding period” to find a permanent position within TikTok. 

Several Tiktok users had their own thoughts on the layoffs.

“It feels very meta to watch you get fired from tiktok while on tiktok,” joked one user.

“Maybe they should downsize the office instead of the workforce just sayin,” slammed another user.

“They spend so much money on an office and then have to layoff people,” said a third.

“Every damn time I see those types of offices I just expect the layoffs,” a fourth person said.


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